All events are at the Park’s clubhouse unless otherwise noted.

The clubhouse, pool, & spa hours: 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Dailey

 Don’t forget to sign up for the PBMHP 1st Annual Golf Tournament coming Sept. 25th!

 Monday night cards: This weekly event is back. Please join us @ 6:00 pm in the clubhouse.

Coffee is served every morning in the clubhouse @ 8:00 am. Please join us!

8/2  Happy Hour 4:00

8/7  Ladies Coffee 2 p.m.

8/10 Annual Shareholders Meeting & Luncheon  11:00 a.m.

8/16  Happy Hour 4:00

8/21 Ladies Coffee 2:00 & “31” Cards 4:00

8/24  Ice Cream Social

8/29  Bunco 5:50